Visit to explore the many adventures available to you as well as my latest updates on your BEST price for that cruise that is just right for you. ALL THINGS CRUISING can be found here so please give it a look!

I am a member of CLIA, Cruise Lines International Association and am a participating agency with any cruise line you wish to explore with! Come see what is waiting for you at JTTRAVELSOLUTIONS.COM and make it happen!!


Let me first say that ANY vacation you take that you enjoy and feel was worth the time and expense is a good vacation because it met your expectations and hopefully you came away with long lasting memories and satisfaction.

But why a cruise? Maybe you’re tired of the same vacation every year, or you want to explore and see more of the world. You can do this by going to the place you want to see and even finding ways to save by using an all-inclusive offering. I’ve been there and done that and the trips were fantastic, especially those with many friends and family together. But I found that going to a location once a year only afforded a limited number of opportunities to explore new venues and left me wondering what I could be missing. I also found we had a tendency to repeat our trips to the familiar places because we were too scared to risk committing to a location that we would not like and have a terrible time.

Enter the cruise. My first time I had all the reasons I did not want to go recited to anyone in my family that would listen; it costs too much, there’s nothing to see, there is so much more to do if we visit a location, what if I get seasick? Obviously I would not be writing this if those objections were held true. I began to suspect I may have been wrong when every crew member smiled and those serving us went out of their way to remember our names, give us anything we asked, and actually had my son looking forward to dinner to see his friend the waiter who always had a magic trick to show. I noticed the crew’s obsession for cleanliness and detail, the never ending assortment of food and entertainment and the absolute beauty of the sea. I also realized I hardly knew we were moving most of the time, the gently rocking I did notice at times actually lulled me to sleep more times than I could count. The clincher for me was visiting the different islands and seeing their pure beauty and culture along with the wonderful people there that treated us as visiting dignitaries, eager to show us their world. Yes, I was hooked.

There are always going to be times when things do not go as planned. I have never been on a cruise where the staff did not do everything they possibly could to cater, cajole, serve and help when things did not go as planned. Sure, I’ve been disappointed because an itinerary had to change due to weather, or when that weather changed our plans for an excursion and when other unexpected things happened that created disappointment for us. However, the staff always found a way to correct the situation and make us whole. I have never been on a cruise where I was disappointed and left that way, never.

So my message to you is not how much money you can save (visit for the latest on savings and what’s new and exciting in the cruise world). My message is simple, why not try it? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I can even show you a cruise line that gives you all of your money back and gets you home if within the first 24 hours you find the cruise you are on is just not for you! Come explore the wonders of the world with me!

The Road goes ever on and on, Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. "JRR Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring"

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Saint-Martin / Sint Maarten

Before I tell you about one of the true gems of the Caribbean, please indulge me in two very important lessons learned while visiting St. Maarten. The first one is when you find a great opportunity to buy a waterproof/water resistant watch for a great price that is too good to be true, you are right, it IS too good to be true. It’s my own fault, I should know better than to go in the water with a $10 watch that is supposed to be water resistant. The second lesson learned is that the excursion tours that are purchased through the cruise line really do look after you and make every effort to make sure you get back to the ship in time and they are accountable for you as the passenger. It’s a matter of preference for me to have the safety knowing I won’t be missed. Sure, I’ve done certain things on my own when visiting such as renting a van or going to a beach separately that I’m familiar with and knowing I have plenty of time to visit and there are plenty of cabs to and from (very important to keep in mind). If however, you are doing an excursion that you are not familiar with and that may take many hours and be close to your ship’s departure time, you should consider sticking to the cruise line’s excursion bookings. The cruise line exerts a great deal of control over their tour providers and you can be assured that you will be looked after, accounted for, and that you will be happy with the excursion. If they get bad reviews, you can bet they will not be continued by the cruise line for very long. These excursions are in communication with the ship at port and will advise them of any problem or delays and I have heard of times when the ship will wait for the group to return.

How did I learn this? Well I took an excursion with Royal Caribbean to Orient Beach at Orient Bay. Instead of sitting on the beach in a chair provided for each of us and partaking of all the drinks we wanted, I decided to explore, equipped with my brand new watch that would keep me well informed as to when I needed to get back for the return bus. I walked all the way up past Palm Beach and tried to get to Pinel Island because I wanted to see what it looked like (more on that later), but found it was too far and I would have to cross through many private areas to get there. So returning, I went down the beach past where we were to find a spot where I could swim and relax. My watch said I had plenty of time. After a while, I returned to the point of departure only to find everyone gone!! That’s when I realized my watch must have stopped because the time had not changed. My mind raced, and I tried to calculate how much time I had to get to the cab stand and return to the ship. I wandered to the parking lot to see if the bus there was for my group, but nothing was there except a few cars. One person in a small car must have seen my look of tourist panic along with my backpack and cheap watch and got out of the car and asked my name. Our bus had left about 10 minutes before (after waiting for me) and she had been waiting there to see if I showed up. She radioed the bus and had them stop at the side of the road, then gave me a ride to the bus where I boarded much to the delight of the passengers that had to wait earlier. I offered my sage advice to them about buying cheap watches and most took pity on me and left me alone. For what it’s worth, that’s my story and advice. 

On a more serious note, I was snorkeling on another island with a ship excursion and a fellow traveler had an episode while in the water. The excursion personnel were great, they immediately supported the person in the water and got them ashore where they applied oxygen and made sure they were stabilized enough to return to the ship. They also radioed the ship where people there would meet the passenger and check them out further to make sure they were OK. Again, cruise line excursions are the safest way to go unless you are absolutely sure where you are going and what you are doing.

Saint-Martin (French side) and Sint Maartin (Dutch side) is a wonderful island with beautiful beaches and a lot of things to see and do. I’ll cover a number of things I have done on my many trips there but can’t wait to return for more experiences.

The Port at the southern end of the island is big and beautiful. You can expect to see anywhere from three to six cruise ships or luxury yachts there at one time and it is always bustling with activity. There are tiki bars, shops and other specialty stores for island liquors duty free as well as cigars. I don’t smoke but there is small shop at the cruise port near the cab circle called DAS Cigars – the guy rolls his own right there with Cuban leaf and uses their private label. You can get Cuban cigars all over the island but if time is short, you can’t go wrong visiting the store. I always stock up for my Christmas list.

I’ve already told you about my one excursion to Orient Beach – I’ve been there a few times and it’s fun to visit. The water is not calm though – expect wind and some small waves and snorkeling is not really ideal from the beach. They have a lot of sports rentals, jet skis, kayaks, sails, and more so there is always something to do. Do not be surprised however if you venture too far down the beach, there is a section (with a sign posted) that is clothing optional, so be forewarned.

On my last trip to the island, I took an excursion by boat that went snorkeling on the west side, and then was supposed to go to an island further north. It was windy that day and the excursion decided it best not to venture through the rough seas to the island, but rather took us to a beautiful little bay at Anse Marcel where we anchored and swam ashore, snorkeled and counted the many turtles that were in the water around us coming up for air. Despite the diversion, it turned out to be a great day. The ride to and from was made more enjoyable with the captain telling us about the sights and history of the points on shore as we passed by including the beachfront homes of some very famous and wealthy people. I thought I had seen most of the island before but this trip was a real education. This was my first time back since my previous cruise wherein we were among the first ships to arrive after St. Martin had been devastated by hurricane Irma in 2017 and the cruise port was closed for quite some time. It was painful to see the severe damage the storm had wreaked upon the island as well as the emotional toll of the people that lived there. I’ll never forget the firsthand story from a store owner of how he endured the worst of the storm with his family for hours on end not knowing if they would make it. But I was amazed at how quickly the island had come back on my return visit and you could tell by the smiles on the people’s faces that things were getting back to normal. The island had its groove back.

A couple of times, my small group has rented a Jeep to drive around the island. By this time, we were pretty familiar with the island and what we didn’t know, the good old fashioned visitors maps could show the way. One time, we had a GPS with the voice of President Obama dubbed in the directions. It made for a very fun filled day that we still talk about. Some of our typical stops were the airport bar which is near Princess Juliana International Airport at Simpson Bay. The bar is right on a beach and very busy with its main attraction being that it is right at the end of the runway separated only by a fence. If you stand on the beach while a plane is landing, you will honestly believe the plane is going to hit you. The force of the jet engines will literally knock you down, I know from personal example and my hat wound up about 40 yards in the water off the beach. If you’d rather not go so close to the action, you can always sit at the bar and sip your favorite drink and watch the planes come and go. The bar even has a blackboard telling you the times that planes are scheduled for arrival.

Airport bar 

Driving around the huge harbor to the western and French side of the island, you can visit Marigot where there are many shops and restaurants and a large harbor for boats. Be prepared for a delay however, it gets very busy and crowded there and there a limited number of roads in and out. North of Marigot, almost by accident, my friends and I found what is now one of our favorite spots: Grand Case. There is a public parking lot there and you can simply walk over to one of the many great little restaurants on the water and enjoy a meal and a swim or relax on the beach. It’s all laid back and very relaxing, and a great place for beach pictures. Heading north from here, you will pass some great views of the ocean from the Rue de I’anse Marcel road, a beautiful little bay called Anse Marcel that is on my list to visit, and loop around to the east side and pass an area called Cul-de-Sac. From here you will head south past Orient Bay crossing back into the Dutch side passing many small towns and getting to see the sights and landscape as you head back to the port at the southern tip of the island.
beach at Grand Case
driving on Sint Maarten

Finally, one of my favorite land trips on Sint Maarten; Pinel Island. Pinel Island lays just off the shore at the northeast side from the area previously mentioned named Cul-de-Sac. I had originally wanted to go there to kayak but not knowing the exact geography, I wanted to see the island first. I have not seen any excursions there since the one and only time I took one with Royal Caribbean a few years ago. Even then, the trip was almost cancelled due to strong wind, but upon asking, I opted to take the tour anyway and am so glad I did. I have yet to see this excursion with any cruise line since. The bus took us to the beach there at Cul-de-Sac where a small boat ferry takes you out to Pinel Island. The island itself is not very large and is not very far from shore, but on arrival, there were two separate beach restaurants/bars with white sand beaches and chairs all along the beach. There were even small tables in the water off the beach where the bars would bring wine bottles or other drinks out to small groups so they could stay in the water and enjoy their drinks. The food offerings were casual to decidedly French fare and very good. I decided to take a stroll and explore the island following paths that led to other sides of the island as well as spectacular hill that with a commanding view of the ocean as well as the entire Orient Bay to the west. I truly could have stayed here all day long and it was only with great reluctance that I left. I plan on returning there again soon and will report more on Pinel Island once I do.

More on Sint Maarten to come as I set sail again.

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